Forced disappearances in Guatemala (1960-1996)

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Carlos Figueroa Ibarra


The present article, synthesis of a larger research, the author intends to expose the dynamics of the forced disappearance in Guatemala. Upon recording 45 thousand disappeared, Guatemala is, perhaps, the most representative case in Latin America in relation with forced disappearance. An Analysis of the chronology and the geography of this terrible fact us help to understand that the restrictive terror never it is an irrational turpitude that is erected on passive victims. The forced disappearance is the back of the medal; of the constant revolt that lived the neighboring country against an excluding system in what is political and in what is social. Sustained in 4 thousands 42 cases with name and last name of forced disappearance, this work attempts to explain paces and causalities of an extraordinary State crime.


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How to Cite
Figueroa Ibarra, C. (2002). Forced disappearances in Guatemala (1960-1996). Estudios Latinoamericanos, 9(18), 151–171.

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