Ethnicity and social training in Guatemala

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Armando Villatoro Pérez


The sociological historical analysis that we developed below has by purpose to analyze the ethnicity in a complex and heterogeneous social country as Guatemala. Its general lines are to think the structure of the social universe in question, considering the pre-Hispanic and Hispanic Mayan, because is where are configured the features of the contemporary Mayan. We draw the problems of the indigenous as social subject seeing their material life conditions, having as key the issue of the tenure of the land. In this order of things we trace their bases (the work, the language, the religion and the history) as the scaffolding of the culture, to outline three processes, deeply articulated in the ethnos, the nation and the identity, as facts related to the past, present and future in the area of the capitalism.


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How to Cite
Villatoro Pérez, A. (2002). Ethnicity and social training in Guatemala. Estudios Latinoamericanos, 9(18), 131–149.

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