The diverse and disobedient other. The encounters and feminist and indigenous movements in the struggle for their rights and recognition

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Morna Macleud


The emergence of several social movements with cultural and of recognition demands gives the standard so that this works is concentrated in the interstice between gender, ethnos and class, even though the struggle by the incorporation is wide, since the diversity encompasses gender, ethnicity, sexual preference, age, between other. The authoress reflects on the causes of the emergence and impact of these social movements, and then she is centered in the analysis on the collective identity of the social actors and on some nude of tension between the different cultural recoveries and of recognition of the feminism and the indigenous movements, as well as convergence and divergence points between both. She concludes with reflections ob the challenges for the construction of a widest and deep citizenship as well as plural societies.


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How to Cite
Macleud, M. (2002). The diverse and disobedient other. The encounters and feminist and indigenous movements in the struggle for their rights and recognition. Estudios Latinoamericanos, 9(18), 33–55.

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