Among the Ixcan and glens . Guatemalan and Mexican fighters in the border region of Chiapas

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Gabriela Vázquez Olivera
Mario Vázquez Olivera


During the long years of the Guatemalan civil war guerrillas of the neighboring Central American country used the state of Chiapas in Mexico as an operative platform. In particular, form principles of the eighty years, after have been defeated by the governmental army in the heartland, the Mexican frontier was converted in their strategic rear. This might have been impossible without the complicity or tolerance of the Mexican government. During that same period the Mexican guerrillas that established the National Liberation Zapatista Army (EZLN) developed a clandestine breakthrough work and organization in bordering zones to the frontier with Guatemala. In this work area examined these circumstances and is outlined the hypothesis of the fact that the extended presence of refugees and Guatemalan soldiers contributed to generate favorable conditions for the bases training of support of the EZLN in such zone.


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How to Cite
Vázquez Olivera, G., & Vázquez Olivera, M. (2003). Among the Ixcan and glens . Guatemalan and Mexican fighters in the border region of Chiapas. Estudios Latinoamericanos, 10(19), 145–155.

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