Perspective of cultural diversity in Mesoamerica

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Gisela González G.


This article presents an overview of the main strategies taken by indigenous movements as social emerging groups that break out at the end of the XX century in the political scenery of Mexico. Central America and Panama. Since than, the changing processes initiated in those regions have provided a new political and cultural meaning to these indigenous groups. All of this, in a globalized world, that fosters intercultural intersections. Simultaneously, tensions are enhanced and put into evidence the necessity to recognize cultural differences as well as differential group rights yielding a multicultural citizenship. This option even though is criticized results in a more democratic solution rather than the traditional view in which a society should be homogeneous and assimilating.


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How to Cite
González G., G. (2003). Perspective of cultural diversity in Mesoamerica. Estudios Latinoamericanos, 10(19), 63–83.

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