Brazil: narratives about participation and local power network

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Irlys Alencar Firmo Barreira


There are many ways of participation. Some encompass interactive practices between the Executive power and community organization. The participation also has a social dimension. In this case the Council provides a forum and also a place to share information. Instituting the so-called participation creates conflicts in differentiated spaces of reproduction: The community Councils, the Mayor and the City Council members. Participation is instituted based upon diversified practices and different set of views.


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How to Cite
Firmo Barreira, I. A. (2006). Brazil: narratives about participation and local power network. Estudios Latinoamericanos, 265–279.

Citas en Dimensions Service

Author Biography

Irlys Alencar Firmo Barreira, Universidad Federal de Ceará Brasil.

Profesora del Programa de Posgrado en Sociología de la Universidad Federal de Ceará Brasil.