Cultural laceration in Mexico : loss and invisibility indigenous languages

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Adina Cimet


The present article explains the importance of language as social and cultural gathering of humanity. It takes as corollary the uncalculated social and human loss when imposing dominant cultures. Minority languages have survived without any social and political power Mexico, as a country, represents a case at the fringe of destruction of its own multiculturalism. The author presents an energetic protest against the persistent political affairs that ignore and deny the linguistic and cultural background of the indigenous minority of this country.


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How to Cite
Cimet, A. (2006). Cultural laceration in Mexico : loss and invisibility indigenous languages. Estudios Latinoamericanos, 107–125.

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Author Biography

Adina Cimet

Socióloga por la UNAM. Obtuvo su maestría y doctorado en la Columbia University de Nueva York. Creó y supervisó (2004) un proyecto educativo para YIVO Institute, EducationaI Program on Yiddish Culture (EPYC) con un paquete curricular de varios libros, una monografía cultural: Lublin. the cradle of Jewish culture" y una página web: "When these streets heard Yiddish", para alumnos de nivel medio.