Latin America in global economic restructuring

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Adrián Sotelo Valencia


The recent tendencies of the latinoamerican economy within the joints of the series global phenomena are analized by the author. The most important tendency being the insuficiency of the economical reorganization on latinoamerican capitalism, on one hand, to build a cycle of local reproduction, and on the other, to contain or atenuate the effects of the political and social crisis. As an example, Sotelo analyses mexican economic crisis, to which he applys the hypothessis that a cualitative tendency has been created between the current account deficit and the balance of payments (structural crisis), the tendiencies towards stagnation and the national economy's inflation.


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How to Cite
Sotelo Valencia, A. (1995). Latin America in global economic restructuring. Estudios Latinoamericanos, 2(4), 47–70.

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