New causes of migration and the new labor-export pattern in globalization. The case United State- Mexico

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Ana María Aragonés
Esperanza Ríos
Uberto Salgado


We look at “labor-exportation”, which is believed to be a new form of accumulation within the globalization process. It is the major consequence of immigration. We analyze the importance of legal and undocumented immigration. Workers fill the U. S. labor market with their labor. The United States is a leading country on the development of economic knowledge and plays an important role in the agro-industrial sector. This country experiences demographic challenges. It attracts workers from other countries. Workers become extremely important to its economy. The United States gets more foreign direct investment than any country in the world, which puts pressure on its market, and brings new workers from abroad in great numbers. The new labor-exportation model reshapes the international division of labor. Underdeveloped countries are now exporting labor force to the United States as much as, or more so than sending raw material and other agricultural goods.


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How to Cite
Aragonés, A. M., Ríos, E., & Salgado, U. (2009). New causes of migration and the new labor-export pattern in globalization. The case United State- Mexico. Estudios Latinoamericanos, (23), 105–123.

Citas en Dimensions Service

Author Biographies

Ana María Aragonés, Facultad de Estudios Superiores Acatlán, UNAM.

Profesora de la FES Acatlán, UNAM. La autora agradece el apoyo brindado por el Programa de Apoyo a Proyectos de Investigación e Innovación Tecnológica (PAPIIT) de la UNAM, IN301206- 2, mediante el financiamiento del proyecto “Las nuevas causas de la migración en México en el contexto de la globalización. Tendencias y perspectivas a inicio del nuevo siglo”. Ana María Aragonés agradece a José Rafael Valencia por el apoyo en la búsqueda y sistematización de información.Correo electrónico: <>.

Esperanza Ríos

Maestra en Demografía y becaria del proyecto PAPIIT.

Uberto Salgado

Pasante de Economía, UNAM y becario del proyecto PAPIIT