Social Participation and Construction of the Decision-Making Process in Mexico: Diagnostic and Human Rights Program in Mexico City

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Sécoya García


In Mexico, social and civil organizations have created new forms of democratic participation in public policy for social, economic, political, culture and environment development. The Diagnostic and Human Rights Program in Mexico City case, for instance, is unprecedented in democraticcooperation to reach decisions in a consensual way between government agencies and organizedcivil society groups. The co-participation process to reach decisions, such as Diagnostic and Program,with respect to water rights in Mexico City allows consensual participatory democracy, as an adequate way to govern. Civil society has a say in public policy in a new context of democratic development in the country and in the region.


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How to Cite
García, S. (2012). Social Participation and Construction of the Decision-Making Process in Mexico: Diagnostic and Human Rights Program in Mexico City. Estudios Latinoamericanos, 1(30), 183–208.

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Author Biography

Sécoya García, Coordinador del área de ciencias sociales y humanidades del Colegio Columbia, México.

Licenciado en Sociología por la Universidad Jean Monnet, Francia. Maestro en Estudios Latinoamericanos por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), México. Es coordinador del área de ciencias sociales y humanidades del Colegio Columbia, México. Áreas de investigación: sociedad civil, democracia y políticas públicas en México. E-mail: <>.