Carlos Nelson Coutinho’s Thought: Interpreting Brazil

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Alba María Pinho de Carvalho
Eliana Costa Guerra


The present article substantiates an interpretation of Brazil from leftist intellectual Carlos Nelson Coutinho, who uses Gramsci’s thought to make his case. We highlight Coutinho’s intellectual capacity and ability to expand, during five decades, his understanding of dialectical concepts. He has been as loyal supporter of the existing relationship between history and political theory. While revisiting Coutinho’s work, we analyze the process of capitalistic modernization in Brazil through apassive revolution. This article stresses Coutinho’s contributions on the Brazilian State through ahistorical analysis, which emphasizes a process of westernization and the power of the Estate that evolves from military dictatorships.


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How to Cite
Pinho de Carvalho, A. M., & Costa Guerra, E. (2013). Carlos Nelson Coutinho’s Thought: Interpreting Brazil. Estudios Latinoamericanos, (32), 55–81.

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Author Biographies

Alba María Pinho de Carvalho, Universidad Federalde Ceará

Doctora en Sociología. Profesora del Departamento de Ciencias Sociales y miembro del Programade Posgrado en Sociología y de la Maestría en Evaluación de Políticas Públicas, Universidad Federalde Ceará. Miembro de la Red Universitaria de Investigadores sobre América Latina (RUPAL). E-mail:<>.

Eliana Costa Guerra, Universidad Federal de Río Grande del Norte

Doctora en Sociología. Profesora del Departamento de Trabajo Social y miembro del Programade Posgrado en Trabajo Social, Universidad Federal de Río Grande del Norte. E-mail: <>.