Chile revisited. Social pact and labor reform in the Aylwin Administration (1990-1994), lessons from a frustrated experience

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José Renato Vieira Martins


This article analyzes the Labor Reform of Patricio Aylwin government, as well as the trade union movement, and the limits of the Chilean social concertation.


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How to Cite
Vieira Martins, J. R. (2014). Chile revisited. Social pact and labor reform in the Aylwin Administration (1990-1994), lessons from a frustrated experience. Estudios Latinoamericanos, (33), 127–148.

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Author Biography

José Renato Vieira Martins, Universidade Federal da Integração LatinoAmericana (UNILA)

Profesor de Sociología y Ciencias Políticas en la Universidade Federal da Integração LatinoAmericana (UNILA). E-mail: