The emergency contraception in post-dictatorial Chile: public debate on incorporation and distribution

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Fabiola Miranda Pérez


The debate on incorporation and distribution of emergency contraception in Chile was an issue scheduled on the public agenda of the late 1990s. It became a major issue for about a decade. This research shows how the contraception issue, which is concerned with sexual and reproductive rights of women was dealt in the judiciary. It also illustrates the role of society; how some supported the contraception bill and others rejected it. We want to unveil the ongoing crisis taking place while legislating issues like this, as some stand by women's rights others by fetuses rights. Moreover, this article analyzes the effects of the dictatorial regime, led by Augusto Pinochet (1973-1989), and its legacy on the promotion of a patriarchal legal view on women's rights. We contend that much of the latest social movements will contest such legacy.


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How to Cite
Miranda Pérez, F. (2015). The emergency contraception in post-dictatorial Chile: public debate on incorporation and distribution. Estudios Latinoamericanos, (35), 85–103.

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Author Biography

Fabiola Miranda Pérez, Escuela de Gobierno y Gestión Pública de la Universidad de Humanismo Cristiano, Chile.

Doctoranda en Ciencia Política del Institut d´Études Politiques de Grenoble, Francia, Universidad de Grenoble II, Laboratorio de Investigación PACTE-PO, Francia. Profesora de la Escuela de Gobierno y Gestión Pública de la Universidad de Humanismo Cristiano, Chile. Campos de investigación: sociología de la acción pública, políticas sociales, ciencias de gobierno, género y política, sociología política del Derecho. E-mail: <>.