Chile’s neoliberal process, four decades since the coup d’État

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Pablo Cuevas Valdés
Teresa Rojas Martini


To understand the Chile’s current situation, it is necessary to analyze the transformation process,which allowed the establishment of the existing political and economic structure. Changes on thecapital industrial reproduction model, which led to a reproduction specialization model, brought inlegitimacy issues on the system. Initially it allowed the emergence of a violent authoritarian regime,which among other things, violated individual rights, deregulated labor and cut down governmentsubsidies on wages. This new authoritarian regime eventually brought in political and economicstability in the country, providing legitimacy on the new structure of social reproduction. This articleis aimed at revisiting the centrality of the political and economic process in the context of thecurrent legitimacy model showing signs of crisis.


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How to Cite
Cuevas Valdés, P., & Rojas Martini, T. (2014). Chile’s neoliberal process, four decades since the coup d’État. Estudios Latinoamericanos, (34), 75–94.

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Author Biographies

Pablo Cuevas Valdés

Licenciado en Antropología Social por la Universidad Académica de Humanismo Cristiano (UAHC),Chile. Maestro en Ciencias Sociales por la Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO),sede México. Doctorando del Posgrado en Estudios Latinoamericanos de la Universidad NacionalAutónoma de México (UNAM). E-mail: <>.

Teresa Rojas Martini

Licenciada en Antropología Social por la Universidad Académica de Humanismo Cristiano (UAHC),Chile. Maestra en Ciencias Antropológicas por la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (UAM).Doctoranda del Posgrado en Estudios Latinoamericanos de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma deMéxico (UNAM). E-mail: <>.