Remote working, teaching and care work: Analysis of experiences of women teachers in distance education

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Adriana I Hernández Gómez


  • Work for many women has become more complex since the covid-19 pandemic began. Working conditions have worsened and, following Wlosko (2020), the precariousness of life as a normalized model of existence has been accentuated. Care work has not been considered in the logic of remote work and this has provoked important effects. The present qualitative research aimed to analyze the teaching remote work experi- ences of a group of female teachers, who participated in focus group sessions, under the methodology of psychodynamics of work. The results show a visible complexity in the experience of teaching work in this context; contradictions, moments of difficulty and even some advantages are mixed and confused; However, physical fatigue, fear, anger and loneliness, as well as a constant feeling of heaviness, accompanies teaching in these times. Teachers build a series of defensive strategies that allow them to get ahead with both roles. It is concluded that there is a long way to go in terms of gender equity within homes, but above all, in work spaces, in this case university.

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How to Cite
Hernández Gómez A. I. (2023). Remote working, teaching and care work: Analysis of experiences of women teachers in distance education . Acta Sociológica, (87), 187–213.

Citas en Dimensions Service

Author Biography

Adriana I Hernández Gómez

  • Doctora en Psicología por la UNAM.
  • Académica en la FES Iztacala y en la Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales-UNAM.