Conflict and phenomenological theories in sociolegal analysis of law

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Germán Silva García


Based on research and analysis of a political and judicial case shaped by information media, this article presents theoretical considerations concerning the significance of conflict and phenomenological theories in socio-legal analysis of Law. Both theories are incorporated into a comprehensive sociological model, which acknowledges the macrosociological and microsociological dimensions of social life, thus enhancing a more appropiate and complete theoretical framework in the field of sociology of law. The analysis of the case in reference shows that criminal law is used by a social group in a selective / discriminatory way, as an instrument of power in the context of social and political conflict, through a process of social construction of reality that distorts social imaginaries, definitions, interpretations and perceptions, in order to neutralize and exclude competing social group in the electoral political scenario.

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How to Cite
Silva García, G. (2019). Conflict and phenomenological theories in sociolegal analysis of law. Acta Sociológica, (79), 85–108.

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Author Biography

Germán Silva García, Máster en Sistema Penal y Problemas Sociales de la misma casa de estudios. Abogado de la Universidad Externado de Colombia.

Doctor en Sociología de la Universidad de Barcelona