Review of the epidemiology and risk factors of childhood obesity

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Alejandra Ivonne Vázquez Vela
Dolores Patricia Delgado Jacobo


Since 2006, Mexico has occupied the first place in childhood obesity, this being reported by the ENSANUT, being the main indicator the 34% of children in preschool and school ages, which were between overweight and obesity, being since then that emphasis has been placed on the prevention of this disease; erroneously, it has been stated that the problem is only individual in previous generations, being the state of health an individual choice, when this becomes valid only when the environment of the person is favorable. This does not happen in the majority of the Mexican population, since environmental, genetic, social and other factors also influence the perception of this problem. Likewise, a high incidence and prevalence has been shown, since there is no correction of the modifiable factors within society and subsequently of the individual.


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Vázquez Vela, A. I., & Delgado Jacobo , D. P. (2024). Review of the epidemiology and risk factors of childhood obesity. Psic-Obesidad, 13(51), 12–16.

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