Correlation between religiosity, social learning and alcohol abuse in students from two private universities from Mexico City

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Marco Antonio Pulido Rull
María Fernanda de Alba-Sánchez-Losada
Rodrigo Cárcamo Sierra
Monserrat Ledesma Gómez
Jassel Viridiana Reyes Contreras
María del Rocío Vargas Torres


This study assessed the effects of religiosity, use and abuse of alcohol by parents and peers, on alcohol consumption by college students from two private universities from México City. A non probabilistic sample of 983 students answered a religiosity scale and another scale regarding use and abuse of alcohol by parents, peers and themselves. Results showed direct and significant correlations between alcohol consumption by parents and peers, and alcohol consumption by the students. The correlation coefficients between religiosity and alcohol consumption of the students were negative, very weak and did not attain statistical significance. Correlation coefficients between alcohol use by parents, and peers and alcohol consumption by students, were direct, comparably higher and attained statistical significance. Correlation coefficients were very similar in both sampled universities. Comparisons between both universities showed that religiosity and alcohol consumption differed amongst them, both variables were higher in the west sample. A sex based comparison showed the alcohol consumption differed between sexes; alcohol consumption was higher in male students. Results showed that the development of a prevention strategy should not focus exclusively on spiritual development, instead, it should center on developing abilities to resist peer and parent pressures towards alcohol consumption. A prevention strategy should also be gender oriented.

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How to Cite
Pulido Rull, M. A., de Alba-Sánchez-Losada, M. F., Cárcamo Sierra, R., Ledesma Gómez, M., Reyes Contreras, J. V., & Vargas Torres, M. del R. (2012). Correlation between religiosity, social learning and alcohol abuse in students from two private universities from Mexico City. Journal of Behavior, Health & Social Issues, 4(1), 9–26.

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