Julia or the governor. The foundational discourse of the feminine Julia or the governor. The foundational discourse of the feminine

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Romina A. España Paredes


The purpose of this article is to analyze the foundational discourse of the feminine in Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s epistolary novel Julia, or the new Eloise (1761), based on the representation of women as “governesses”. First, I will present general aspects of the foundational discourse of the feminine in Rousseau’s work; subsequently, I will address the characteristics of the genre of the epistolary novel and the didactic purpose of Julia, to reflect on the importance of moral education and the binary and complementary opposition be- tween man and woman. Finally, I will analyze the foundational discourse of the feminine around the normative figures of the woman as friend, wife and mother, responsible for the ambivalent configuration of the “governess”.


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España Paredes, R. A. (2023). Julia or the governor. The foundational discourse of the feminine: Julia or the governor. The foundational discourse of the feminine. INTER DISCIPLINA, 11(30), 89–110. https://doi.org/10.22201/ceiich.24485705e.2023.30.85569

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