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Jorge A. González
Tommaso Gravante


A ghost is wandering the world: the one of obesity, overweight, undernourishment, malnutrition and all their full consequences in the wellbeing of people, families, entire societies (including their economies, their political organization structures, and their cultures) and the environment. It’s not enough to say that “it’s a big monster that makes great strides” or that “only the strongest will survive.” We need to describe it, characterize it, relate it, and get to know it better so that we can act on it, avert it against its serious consequences, but it seems this “ghost” doesn’t make it easy to come to terms with it.


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How to Cite
González, J. A., & Gravante, T. (2019). Editorial. INTER DISCIPLINA, 7(19), 13–18. Retrieved from https://journals.unam.mx/index.php/inter/article/view/70611

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