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Mark Iván Rojas Arellano
Ixtlaxochitl Rodríguez Ríos


Through a singular event called Haile Selassie’s visit to Mexico, we will observe some of the relevant sites that the government of Adolfo Ruiz Cortines, as host of the illustrious guest, chose for the visiting monarch to visit. What were these places? What reasons were there to take it there? In the same way, although there was an official itinerary, there were also places his Imperial Majesty wanted to visit of his own free will. Where did the emperor want to go? What did he do there? In this writing, we will give an account of some of those sites, especially those that represented relevant works and achievements of the regime, such as the airport, the university city, the industrial city of DM Nacional, and the hospital “La Raza”. We will also briefly see the reasons for this visit and how it was organized. For this, in addition to bibliographical sources, we consult newspaper sources and archival documents of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


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How to Cite
Rojas Arellano, M. I., & Rodríguez Ríos, I. . (2024). RELEVANT SITES DURING THE VISIT OF THE EMPEROR ETHIOPIA OF TO MEXICO IN 1954. HistoriAgenda, 4(48), 102–113. Retrieved from

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Author Biographies

Mark Iván Rojas Arellano, Independiente

Estudió la licenciatura en Derecho en la UNAM y la licenciatura en Historia en la Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia (ENAH). Escribe artículos, hace traducciones e investiga acerca de la cultura rastafari. En 2010 participó como ponente en las conferencias de Estudios Rastafari en la Universidad de las Indias Occidentales (UWI) en Mona, Jamaica.

Ixtlaxochitl Rodríguez Ríos, Independiente

Licenciada en Historia por la Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia (ENAH), maestra en Defensa y Promoción de los Derechos Humanos por la Universidad Autónoma de la Ciudad de México (UACM) y una especialidad en Estudios de Género por la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional (UPN). Ha sido asistente de investigación en El Colegio de México (Colmex) y en la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (UAM), Unidad Iztapalapa. Realiza labores docentes en investigación en los niveles medio superior y superior.