Juventud y organización social: ¿Qué nos deja el movimiento #Yo Soy 132?
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This reflection in turn, represents a proper exercise to be located in time, in space, but especially in a very specific political context, a situation that rocked heavily in 2012 much of the Mexican youth. Some have reflected together that probably after the student movement of 1968, at least 132 constituted the most widespread youth movement in the country.
Here we intend to register our actions, such as analysis, stories and affectivities. Maybe he playfully tried historiar from below, from a youth that is increasingly desperate to break the impasse and from a youth that would offer hope of coming political transformation in this Mexico where we are the easy target. That is what the history in high school and any other space we are concerned, to be known part of the story; makers of history. Chronicle is a daily exercise we all in different sizes, but as every year, the playful part of it, allows us to enrich the future.
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HistoriAgenda by Dirección General de la Escuela Nacional Colegio de Ciencias y Humanidades is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObraDerivada 4.0 Internacional License.