Hacia una didáctica de la historia del México prehispánico y colonial
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This paper is a critical review about the needs that requires a current teaching about the History of pre-Hispanic and colonial Mexico. It is considered worthwhile to initiate aeffective reflection to bring young students to primary sources, to understand their methods, scope and to promote useful links to current research, in the light of a legitimate updating curricula of the Colegio de Ciencias y Humanidades. This announces a common goal that students, teachers and researchers can undertake collectively to achieve a formative and promoter consistency of new schemes of fieldwork and research in our history.
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Hermann Lejarazu, M. A. (2016). Hacia una didáctica de la historia del México prehispánico y colonial. HistoriAgenda, (31). Retrieved from https://journals.unam.mx/index.php/historiagenda/article/view/57065
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