La cuestión indígena en México

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Roberto Bermúdez Sánchez


This paper depicts a short overview of some of the manifold issues that different Mexican-indigenous groups, which shape the base to mexicanness and to both cultural and ethnical diversity that distinguish our national society. For these purposes, theoretical interpretations defining the indigene are displayed and, in a concise summary, the main stages of the domination process which they have been victims of since the European conquest until nowadays are described. It is necessary to clarify that, as a manifestation of the author’s standing, indigenous rights are highlighted (based on the reference to national and international legislations related to the individuals as members of society), deep social, political, and economical lags that afflict these groups are listed, and some afterthoughts about the subject are made to finish.


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How to Cite
Bermúdez Sánchez, R. (2016). La cuestión indígena en México. HistoriAgenda, (30). Retrieved from

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Author Biography

Roberto Bermúdez Sánchez

Licenciatura en Sociología, FCPyS, 13 de marzo de 1976; Estudios de Maestría, 1976-1978; Doctorado en Sociología, FCPyS, 5 de agosto de 1981; Posdoctorado en Sevilla, España, Universidad de Sevilla y Archivo General de Indias, mayo de 1990 a abril de 1991. Docencia: Definitivo por concurso de oposición en las materias: Sociología del Desarrollo Agrario, FCPS, 1979. Seminario del Desarrollo Agrario, ENTS, 1982. Problemas Económicos, Políticos y Sociales de México, ENTS, 1980. Análisis de las Clases y el Cambio Social, ENTS, 1982. Declarado apto para la docencia en Taller e Investigación, 1978.