Activismo en derechos humanos a través del arte: cartografías desde la Ciudad de México

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Andrea Kenya Sánchez Zepeda


Mexico City (CDMX) is cosmopolitan, but with historical and materially visible territorial inequality. The mappings on inequality in CDMX have been inscribed in the historical course of its urban growth, as well as in the way of conceiving and constituting the city. Faced with the traditional spatial and symbolic centralism of the mexican institutional bureaucracy -which had the center-periphery as architectural and public administration principles-, the response of the civil organizations for the promotion and defense of human rights in the territory has an antiestablishment mapping and alternative that reconfigures the citizen force of the peripheries.

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How to Cite
Sánchez Zepeda, A. K. . (2023). Activismo en derechos humanos a través del arte: cartografías desde la Ciudad de México. Trabajo Social UNAM, (31), 56–65.

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