La intervención del Trabajo Social en la atención integral de la violencia de género: fortalezas y retos desde la disciplina
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This article presents an analysis of the intervention carried out by social work in gender violence against women, to learn about the strengths and challenges that the social workers face in promoting a culture of peace and equality. Considering the hermeneutical paradigm, the theory of symbolic interactionism and the qualitative method were used to place the qualitative interview as the relevant technique to explore the experience of social intervention of a social worker who has worked in the comprehensive care of
gender violence against women.
In the main results, the use of the interview research/intervention technique, the elaboration of the social diagnosis and the capacity of multidisciplinary work for social intervention stand out as disciplinary strengths. While, in the challenges, those related to incorporating the gender perspective and gender violence in the educational training of social work are identified. And that is related to recognizing that La intervención del Trabajo Social en la atención integral de la violencia de género 121 economic dependence is the main limitation to break the cycle of gender violence, as well as the importance of social support networks for the social reintegration of women into a life free of violence.
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