Tensiones e interpelaciones en los procesos formativos en Trabajo Social en tiempos de pandemia. El caso de la Universidad de Guadalajara

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Elisa Cerros Rodríguez


The COVID-19 pandemic has caused serious damage in different areas worldwide, where education has not been the exception. The objective of this article is to analyze the tensions that both students and teachers have faced during this prolonged time of confinement, which caused the transfer of educational activities to virtual environments, having a series of consequences in the training processes. We analyze in Tensiones e interpelaciones en los procesos formativos en Trabajo Social en tiempos de pandemia 109 a timely manner the situation experienced by students of the social work degree at the University of Guadalajara, based on the quantitative research carried out by members of the Academic Research Network on Social Work: Training and Professional Practice (RIATS) in two cohorts. 2020 and 2021.
Among the results we highlight that the students presented deterioration in their physical health. The main ailments were headache and allergies. In addition, they noted a deterioration in their mental health, manifested particularly through anxiety and insomnia. Regarding the academic field, the results show tensions and conflicts in their training process due, among other factors, to the prolonged confinement; to the change of their classes and interactions to virtual environments; not having the necessary conditions
(in terms of equipment, access and quality of internet connection, and a suitable place to take their classes), as well as the tenuous teacher-student relationship, reflected in little or no interaction and feedback academic. All this had repercussions on their learning and their training expectations.

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How to Cite
Cerros Rodríguez, E. . (2024). Tensiones e interpelaciones en los procesos formativos en Trabajo Social en tiempos de pandemia. El caso de la Universidad de Guadalajara. Trabajo Social UNAM, (29-30), 108–119. https://doi.org/10.22201/ents.20075987p.2021.29-30.86734 (Original work published April 1, 2021)

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