Beyond Environmental Education: The Participatory Dimension for Biodiversity Conservation in the State of Guerrero, Mexico

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Sandy Astrid Medina Valdivia
María del Socorro Aguilar Cucurachi


Purpose: To identify and evaluate the current dynamics of Environmental Education (EE) in Guerrero, Mexico with a specific focus on biodiversity conservation. This study addresses emerging trends, approaches and ethical challenges inherent to the practice of EE in Guerrero to identify areas of opportunity to strengthen its impact on biodiversity conservation.

Methodological design: A systematic review of academic literature on EE and biodiversity in Guerrero was conducted. 34 (of 80) selected studies from various sources were analyzed to identify patterns and trends in ee within the state.

Results: In Guerrero, there is a trend towards Participatory Environmental Education (EAP), focusing on interaction with local actors for biodiversity conservation. The absence of ethical considerations in many studies and the language barrier in knowledge dissemination are noted. Identified areas of opportunity arethe inclusion of political dimensions, the need for more holistic approaches, and the importance of training in ethics and participatory processes.

Research limitations: Some limitations include the potential omission of publications that are not indexed in the databases used as well asthe lack of detailed descriptions in some studies which limited the understanding of the effectiveness of EE interventions.

Findings: The importance of strengthening EE in Guerrero is  highlighted with a focus on participation for the conservation of biodiversity. The necessity for ethical considerations, the overcoming of language barriers, and the promotion of long-term projects is emphasized.


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How to Cite
Medina Valdivia, S. A. ., & Aguilar Cucurachi, M. del S. (2024). Beyond Environmental Education: The Participatory Dimension for Biodiversity Conservation in the State of Guerrero, Mexico. Entreciencias: Diálogos En La Sociedad Del Conocimiento, 12(26), 1–20.

Citas en Dimensions Service

Author Biographies

Sandy Astrid Medina Valdivia, CONAHCYT-CIATEJ

PhD in Environmental Sciences from the Autonomous University of Guerrero, currently a researcher for Mexico at CONAHCYT-CIATEJ. Her main lines of research are the human-nature relationship, sociocultural valuation of ecosystem services, and environmental management for sustainability.

María del Socorro Aguilar Cucurachi, Universidad Veracruzana

PhD in Educational Research from the Universidad Veracruzana, currently Director of Science Communication at the Universidad Veracruzana. Her main lines of research are education for the conservation of species and ecosystems, public communication of science, socio-ecological perceptions, and the human-nature relationship.


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