Digitalization and business models in Mexican textile MSMEs, the case of Nube Ciega

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María del Rosario Vazquez Jaramillo
Marcela Amaro Rosales


Purpose: To analyze the digital business models of micro, small and medium textile enterprises (MSMEs) in Mexico and to identify whether these models have changed in the context of the health contingency.

Methodological design: It´s composed of a case study based on digital ethnography is presented, which allowed identifying a range of strategies and models that companies of this type have implemented in Mexico at a general level and in particular with the case study of the company Nube Ciega, the elements associated with digital inclusion are characterized.

Results: Various actions and strategies implemented by the case study company that are related to digital skills that allow the digital inclusion of this type of company were identified.

Research Limitations: The case study focuses on a microenterprise in the textile industry, so it is not generalizable, but it contributes to the deepening of knowledge about these companies.

Findings: They show that the health emergency was a catalyst for some MSMEs to establish digital business models, but at the same time they faced problems associated with the lack of infrastructure and technological skills.


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How to Cite
Vazquez Jaramillo, M. del R., & Amaro Rosales, M. (2022). Digitalization and business models in Mexican textile MSMEs, the case of Nube Ciega. Entreciencias: Diálogos En La Sociedad Del Conocimiento, 10(24).

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