Makerspaces: Scientometric indicators and implications for innovation, education and entrepreneurship

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Rubén Oliver-Espinoza


Purpose: To identify temporality, subject areas, institutions, countries, publications and relevant concepts associated to makerspaces as a subject of study related to education, innovation, entrepreneurship, and learning.

Methodological design: It is an exploratory study conducted through the compilation of Scopus publications related to makerspaces and their conjunction with the concepts mentioned above. Scientometric indicators are derived to establish its importance as a subject of study. Additionally, conceptual maps to identify correlative topics are made through the VOSviewer software.

Results: It is a concept of growing interest involving 23 subject areas where social sciences predominate. The titles of publications and correlative topics refer to STEM education, and in a lesser extent, entrepreneurship and business.

Research limitations: It is an exploratory study; therefore, providing references on themes and concepts from which makerspaces are problematized; it does not delve into explanations, but rather shows an overview of the topics studied by them. It is importance since it covers a subject that has not been thorougly studied in Mexico.

Findings: Makerspaces arise from the “do it yourself” philosophy. They offer a model of informal learning outside traditional formal spaces. They have also become a topic of growing interest for education and entrepreneurship. Therefore, they can be understood as spaces that generate new learning dynamics based on collaboration, which can be transferred to the formal spaces of technological education, entrepreneurship and complexity of innovation processes.


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How to Cite
Oliver-Espinoza, R. (2021). Makerspaces: Scientometric indicators and implications for innovation, education and entrepreneurship. Entreciencias: Diálogos En La Sociedad Del Conocimiento, 9(23).
Author Biography

Rubén Oliver-Espinoza, Centro de Investigaciones Económicas, Administrativas y Sociales, IPN

Profesor titular A del Centro de Investigaciones Económicas, Administrativas y Sociales del IPN. Sus líneas de investigación son: innovación sectorial (software, biotecnología, aeronáutica) y procesos de gestión de la innovación. Miembro del SNI nivel I. 

Últimas publicaciones:

  • Barragán, A., Oliver, R., y Luna, K. (2020). Specialized human resources training and innovation in Latin America: the case of biotechnology. Gazzetta Medica Italiana, 179(1-2), 67-72.
  • Mackenzie, F. Estrella, D., Longar, M.P. Oliver, R., y Gómez, H. (2019). Mapas de ruta aplicados para el desarrollo de competencias en maquinado de piezas metálicas. En A. Barragán, H. Gómez, H. y R. Oliver (Eds.), Métodos y herramientas de gestión tecnológica (pp. 149-167). Ciudad de México: Colofón.
  • Stezano, F., y Oliver, R. (2019). Innovation capabilities and performance of biotechnology firms: Some insights from a national survey in Mexico. Management Research, 17(4), 445-473.