Promotion of breastfeeding in universities

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Alejandra García Franco
Claudia Haydée González de la Rosa


Purpose: To assess the impact of an educational intervention aimed at improving university students’ attitudes towards breastfeeding. The intervention was carried out during the second semester of 2018.

Methodological design: This is an exploratory study. We used a cross-sectional design to compare attitudes towards breastfeeding determined by the Iowa Infant Feeding Attitude Scale between two cohorts of students. The first cohort participated in an educational intervention and the second did not. This scale has been previously validated for the Mexican population.

Results: Students who participated in the educational intervention showed a more positive attitude towards breastfeeding than students who did not participate.

Research limitations: The number of students who answered the questionnaire is relatively low compared to the university population; therefore, results cannot be generalized. There may also be unidentified bias in students who answered the questionnaire, and the type of study does not allow us to identify if there was a change of attitude.

Findings: The participation of students in an educational intervention, that explicitly incorporates content related to breastfeeding into the regular curriculum, can modify their attitude towards breastfeeding. This could have an impact on the decisions they make about breastfeeding later in their lives.


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How to Cite
García Franco, A., & González de la Rosa, C. H. (2021). Promotion of breastfeeding in universities. Entreciencias: Diálogos En La Sociedad Del Conocimiento, 9(23).
Author Biographies

Alejandra García Franco, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Cuajimalpa

Profesora Investigadora Titular C de tiempo completo en la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, unidad Cuajimalpa. Sus líneas de investigación son: educación en ciencias e interculturalidad, educación química, formación de profesores: Miembro del SNI nivel 2. 

Últimas publicaciones:

  • García-Franco, A., Aparicio-Platas, F., y Gama Goicochea, A. (2020). Uso de casos biográficos para la enseñanza de la biología cuántica. Contactos, Revista de Educación en Ciencias e Ingeniería, (115), 26-36. Recuperado de
  • Gómez-Galindo, A. A., González-Galli, L., y García-Franco, A. (2019). Artificial selection of maize as a bridging case to teach natural selection: a simulation proposal. Journal of Biological Education.
  • García-Franco, A., Hernández-Zamora, G., Meneses-Espinosa, M., y Moreno-Olivos, T. (Coords.). (2019). Didáctica en acción. México: UAM Cuajimalpa.

Claudia Haydée González de la Rosa, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Cuajimalpa

Profesora Investigadora Titular C de tiempo completo en la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, unidad Cuajimalpa. Sus líneas de investigación son: vías de señalización, oncología molecular, biomarcadores. Miembro del SNI nivel 1. 

Últimas publicaciones:

  • Lara, A. R., Velázquez, D., Penella, I., Islas, F., González-De la Rosa, C. H., y Sigala, J. C. (2019). Design of a synthetic miniR1 plasmid and its production by engineered Escherichia coli. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, 42(8), 1391-1397.
  • Pérez-Añorve, I. X., González-De la Rosa, C. H., Soto-Reyes, E., Beltrán-Anaya, F. O., Del Moral-Hernández, O., Salgado-Albarrán, … Arechaga-Ocampo, E. (2019). New insights into radioresistance in breast cancer identify a dual function of miR-122 as a tumor suppressor and oncomiR. Molecular Oncology, 13(5), 1249-1267.

  • Pérez-González, M. L., González-de la Rosa, C. H., Pérez-Hernández, G., y Beltrán, H. I. (2020). Nanostructured oleic acid/polysorbate 80 emulsions with diminished toxicity in NL-20 cell line: Insights of potential drug carriers. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 187.