Towards a rethinking of the Doxey irritability model based on the attitudes of the local resident towards the visitor

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Omar Ismael Ramírez Hernández


Purpose: To make a proposal for the analysis of attitudes of the local resident towards the visitor through a critical reconstruction of the Doxey Irritation Index.

Methodological design: A literature search was first conducted to test the Doxey model empirically identifying its virtues and limitations in order to generate a proposal.

Results: The irritation index helps to identify the attitudes of the local community with respect to tourism; however, it has been criticized for its heterogeneous vision of attitudes, the linear and sequential process of its stages, and finally, the temporality of its short-term vision.

Research limitations: Since it is a proposal, an empirical test is necessary in different tourist destinations.

Findings: The proposal tries to mitigate the limitations of the irritation index with the integration of different elements by recommending a new possibility to explain and analyze the impact of tourist activity and the attitudes of residents.


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How to Cite
Ramírez Hernández, O. I. (2020). Towards a rethinking of the Doxey irritability model based on the attitudes of the local resident towards the visitor. Entreciencias: Diálogos En La Sociedad Del Conocimiento, 8(22).

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Author Biography

Omar Ismael Ramírez Hernández, Centro Universitario UAEM Temascaltepec

Profesor de tiempo completo de la Licenciatura en Turismo en el Centro Universitario uaem Temascaltepec, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México (UAEmex). Su línea de investigación es sociología del turismo, específicamente, la evolución de las sociedades, el desarrollo, la planificación y los impactos del turismo.

Últimas publicaciones: 

  • Ramírez, O., Serrano, R., y Palmas, Y. (2020). Impactos socioculturales del turismo deportivo en la comunidad de El Peñón, Temascaltepec. Methaodos. Revista de Ciencias Sociales8(1), 62-76.
  • Ramírez, O., Cruz, G., Vargas, E., y Rodríguez, I. (2019). Turismo en Teotihuacán y San Martín de Las Pirámides: su influencia en el capital social de los actores locales. Rosa dos Ventos –Turismo e Hospitalidade, 11(4), 728-753, DOI:
  • Ramírez, O. (2019). Propuesta metodológica para la generación de productos turísticos a partir de la comunidad local.  Retos Revista de Ciencias de la Administración y Economía, 9(17), 127-143.