Internal branding as an antecedent of organization based self-esteem: A study in a chain of restaurants

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Enrique Martín Murillo Othón


Purpose: To analyze whether the internal branding processes of a service company enhance employees’ Organization Based Self-Esteem (OBSE), and whether self-esteem in turn positively influences employees’ pro-brand motivation and brand performance.

Methodology: A model of structural equations was estimated using the technique of Partial Least Squares and a sample of 248 collected questionnaires in a chain of casual food restaurants in Mexico City were used.

Results: Adjustment with brand values and employee participation had a positive and significant impact on self-esteem, which in turn had a positive and significant impacts on pro-brand motivation and brand performance.

Limitations: The sample comes from a single organization that hires only female staff only, which limits the generality of results.

Findings: Organization based self-esteem contributes to the delivery of the brand promise by service employees, revealing itself as a variable that deserves the attention of management. Surprisingly, this important construct has not been utilized before in research published in Latin America.


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How to Cite
Murillo Othón, E. M. (2019). Internal branding as an antecedent of organization based self-esteem: A study in a chain of restaurants. Entreciencias: Diálogos En La Sociedad Del Conocimiento, 7(21).

Citas en Dimensions Service

Author Biography

Enrique Martín Murillo Othón, Universidad Panamericana

Profesor-Investigador de Tiempo Completo en la Universidad Panamericana, Facultad de Empresariales, campus Ciudad de México. Estudió su maestría y doctorado en Administración en la Universidad de Bradford (Reino Unido). Su principal línea de investigación es la gestión interna de marca en organizaciones de servicios.

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