e-Business Innovation Conceptual Model: Towards a Reference Framework for SME’s

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Juan Mejía Trejo


The aim of this paper is to determine a construct of electronic business (e-Business) innovation (eBIM) for SME’s since throughout 2016, several academic models were presented to the main SME’s experts in e-Business located in Guadalajara, México and their main CEOs considered most of them to lack clarity and to be impractical in their design, implementation, measure- ment and improvement. The methodology involved in this study is exploratory, descriptive and cross-sectional, and was applied during January-April, 2017 to 200 e-Business experts. It is based on documentary research to determine the main variables of the eBIM using the Delphi Panel method and the Analytic Hierarchy Process. We applied exploratory factor analysis to determi- ne how the variables were grouped in factors of the final model. As a result, we obtained two visions, academic (literature review) and expert, with 19 variables and 3 factors to be included in the final eBIM proposal. 


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How to Cite
Mejía Trejo, J. (2017). e-Business Innovation Conceptual Model: Towards a Reference Framework for SME’s. Entreciencias: Diálogos En La Sociedad Del Conocimiento, 5(15). https://doi.org/10.22201/enesl.20078064e.2017.15.62590

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Author Biography

Juan Mejía Trejo, University of Guadalajara

He is Coordinator of the Phd. Management Sciences, President of the Electronic Business Academy and titular research professor in Management of Innovation, at Marketing and International Business Department at the University of Guadalajara, Mexico. His research interests include: management of innovation, open innovation, knowledge management, IT, digital marketing and electronic business.