The Maker movement and the processes of generation, transfer and use of knowledge

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Yalú Maricela Morales Martínez
Gabriela Dutrénit Bielous


At the international level there is a rapid emergence of technologies that involve 3D printing, robotics, artificial intelligence, the internet of things, among others, with different levels of development and repercussions in different areas. The deployment of the so-called "digital revolution" seems to envision the fading of the division between the physical world and the information world. While in the past a manufacturing, distribution and commercialization network on an industrial scale took the products to the consumer, nowadays, computers with the maturation of 3D printing have the potential to reproduce products directly from digital files. This phenomenon is part of the so-called "democratization of design and manufacturing tools", configuring the Maker movement in one of its most interesting cultural expressions, under the motto of "do it yourself". The aim of this work is to analyze the emergence of the Maker movement, describe the concepts that define the essence of the movement, as well as explore the challenges involved in the generation, transfer and use of knowledge. This paper is based on a broad revision of literature, which from different bodies and using different methodologies, explores this emerging topic. 


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How to Cite
Morales Martínez, Y. M., & Dutrénit Bielous, G. (2017). The Maker movement and the processes of generation, transfer and use of knowledge. Entreciencias: Diálogos En La Sociedad Del Conocimiento, 5(15).

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Author Biographies

Yalú Maricela Morales Martínez, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana

Estancia de Posdoctorado en la Maestría en Economía, Gestión y Políticas de Innovación de la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana. Líneas de investigación: análisis económico-estadístico y cadenas de valor de sectores diversos. Estudios comparativos a nivel macroeconómico y microeconómico. Análisis de procesos de innovación en micro-tecnologías.

Gabriela Dutrénit Bielous, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana

Coordinadora de la Maestría en Economía, Gestión y Políticas de Innovación de la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana. Líneas de investigación: sistemas de innovación: actores y vínculos. Procesos de acumulación de capacidades tecnológicas y políticas de ciencia, tecnología e innovación.