“Misa fronteriza”: analysis and esthetic intervention of a Literary text from the transdisciplinarity

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Tarik Torres Mojica
Francisco Javier González Compeán


Misa Fronteriza by Luis Humberto Crosthwaite (2011) is a text that synthetizes different kind of linguistic discourses such as the religious, literary and musical. The text acquires its structure through the form of the Catholic mass and imbricates aspects of the drama, essay, poetry and short tales genres. The text, singles out the problema od cultural and national identities, as well as the limits of the profane and the sacred. In synthesis is an open text that evokes images and sounds, and invites to a representation and an intervention through the visual, scenic, literary and musical languages.

This paper explores the possibilities of esthetic intervention in a text that is a transgressive one on a thematic level as well as in the aspect of artistic languages. Our analysis will focus on the fragment “I. Evangelium” and will be based on the proposals given by Luigi Russolo -sound arts-, and by Roman Ingarden –literary theory-.


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How to Cite
Torres Mojica, T., & González Compeán, F. J. (2017). “Misa fronteriza”: analysis and esthetic intervention of a Literary text from the transdisciplinarity. Entreciencias: Diálogos En La Sociedad Del Conocimiento, 4(10). https://doi.org/10.21933/J.EDSC.2016.10.184

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Author Biographies

Tarik Torres Mojica, Universidad de Guanajuato

Profesor e investigador de tiempo completo del Departamento de Estudios Culturales, de la División de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades Universidad de Guanajuato, Campus León. Líneas de investigación: Narrativa mexicana contemporánea, teoría literaria, estudios transdisciplinares del arte contemporáneo. 

Francisco Javier González Compeán, Universidad de Guanajuato

Profesor e investigador de tiempo completo del Departamento de Música, de la División de Arquitectura, Arte y Diseño, de la Universidad de Guanajuato, Campus Guanajuato. Líneas de investigación: Creación y composición sonora, estudios transdisciplinares del arte contemporáneo; interrelaciones disciplinares artísticas.