The participation of indigenous migrant communities within the framework of the Indigenous Consultation Council in Leon, Guanajuato

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Yolanda de León-de Santiago
Antonino Santiago-Isidro


In Mexico, throughout history, the teachings and contribution of Indigenous peoples have been disregarded, their perspectives and opinions about the decisions on issues that concern them have been constantly omitted. It was not until the Zapatista uprising that the “Indigenous issue” gathered interest and support. In the state of Guanajuato, the indigenous population is comparatively smaller than in other states, still Guanajuato’s Indigenous population is composed of a great variety of Indigenous peoples and cultures, some of them native and some migrant. In spite of the latter, it was not until 2004 that the presence of Indigenous peoples was recognized in this state.

This article has two objectives. The first one is to make visible the presence of Indigenous migrants in the city of León, Guanajuato. The second objective is to analyze this population’s citizen participation within the framework of the Indigenous Consultation Council, which is the institutionalized mechanism to attend this segment of the population.


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How to Cite
de León-de Santiago, Y., & Santiago-Isidro, A. (2017). The participation of indigenous migrant communities within the framework of the Indigenous Consultation Council in Leon, Guanajuato. Entreciencias: Diálogos En La Sociedad Del Conocimiento, 4(10).

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Author Biographies

Yolanda de León-de Santiago, Universidad Veracruzana Intercultural

Maestra en política y gestión pública por la Universidad Iberoamericana unidad León, y Maestra en desarrollo de la educación por la Universidad Iberoamericana Unidad Puebla. Actualmente es docente de la Universidad Veracruzana Intercultural sede regional Totonacapan.

Antonino Santiago-Isidro, Universidad Veracruzana Intercultural

Maestro en desarrollo rural por la Universidad Austral de Chile. Actualmente es docente y responsable del área de vinculación de la Universidad Veracruzana Intercultural sede regional Totonacapan.