Toward a diagnosis of diagnostic sciences. A reflection

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Arturo Zárate Ruiz


As illustrated by the 2011 diagnoses of social violence in several Mexican municipalities (diagnoses ordered by the Executive Secretariat of the National System for Law Enforcement, evaluating the “health condition” of communities and human groups is an ordinary activity undertaken by social scientists. Notwithstanding this ordinariness, the author of this essay reflects on the scope and limits of these diagnoses. Although he does not question the diagnoses’ objectivity, he warns about embracing modern emotivism, which denies reasonable grounds to value judgment: doing so would make the diagnoses nonsensical. He also warns against merely declaring the value judgment without attempting to identify its grounds, even if they are not fully reasonable but deficient. Consequently, he recommends that in doing a scientific diagnosis, the scientist should inform the grounds for his value judgment to the public. Based on MacIntyre and Taylor, the author recommends recovering the “good reasons” belonging properly to moral reasoning.


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How to Cite
Zárate Ruiz, A. (2017). Toward a diagnosis of diagnostic sciences. A reflection. Entreciencias: Diálogos En La Sociedad Del Conocimiento, 2(5).

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Author Biography

Arturo Zárate Ruiz, El Colegio de la Frontera Norte

Investigador Titular C de El Colegio de la Frontera Norte. Sus líneas de investigación son: argumentaciones sobre controversias entre Estados Unidos y México, teoría retórica general, textos de cultura fronteriza.