Two neighbouring disciplines from a historical viewpoint: sociology and the science of culture

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Leif Korsbaek


The text contains a comparison between sociology and anthropology, keeping in mind that the name of the latter of these two disciplines has suffered many changes: in some places and at some moments its name has been “anthropology”, under other circumstances it has been called “ethnology” (not to mention the Americans’ tendency to call it “cultural anthropology”, whereas the British call it “social anthropology”; the confusion becomes almost full circle if we remember the French’s insistence on calling their discipline “ethnologie”, or the Germans’ distinction between “Volkswissenschaft” – the scientific study of the people, sociology – as opposed to their “Völkerwissenschaft” – the scientific study of the peoples, anthropology). The comparison is guided on two axes: on the one hand, the two disciplines are compared in their development through time, at different historical periods; on the other hand the comparison remains within the different tendencies, styles or paradigms, that run strictly parallel in both disciplines.


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How to Cite
Korsbaek, L. (2017). Two neighbouring disciplines from a historical viewpoint: sociology and the science of culture. Entreciencias: Diálogos En La Sociedad Del Conocimiento, 2(5).

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Author Biography

Leif Korsbaek, Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia / UNAM

Profesor-Investigador ENAH-INAH titular de la Línea de Investigación del Posgrado en Antropología Social La comunidad campesina e indígena, sus instituciones y su articulación con el Estado. Miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores, Nivel I. Antropólogo de la Universidad de Copenhague, Doctor en Ciencias Antropológicas por la UAM Iztapalapa.