A model towards understanding the institutional innovations in social policies of Guanajuato

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David Martínez Mendizábal


This paper is part of a series of studies carried out on social policy at the Mexican federative entities and offers a collection of ideas supported on empirical evidence based on previous researches, interviews and academic and official documents analysis which aim to answer one question: Which are the most influential factors on innovation in social policy in the state of Guanajuato? Thus, the article begins with a conceptual discussion. It then continues with a brief description of the social policy path, making an emphasis on institutional innovation, boosted in the state of Guanajuato from 1991 to 2012. This is then followed by a third part, which, as a conclusion, an emerging model is offered to characterize the policy followed in the analysis period. This model represents the factors that caused the particular dynamics of social policy in Guanajuato


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How to Cite
Martínez Mendizábal, D. (2017). A model towards understanding the institutional innovations in social policies of Guanajuato. Entreciencias: Diálogos En La Sociedad Del Conocimiento, 2(5). https://doi.org/10.21933/J.EDSC.2014.05.097

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Author Biography

David Martínez Mendizábal, Universidad Iberoamericana León

Doctor en Estudios Científico-Sociales. Profesor-investigador de la Universidad Iberoamericana León. Coordinador de la Comunidad de Investigación en Desigualdad Social. Líneas de investigación: política social, pobreza y migración. Pertenece a las Red Mexicana de Investigación de la Política Social (Remipso), al Campo Estratégico sobre Pobreza y Exclusión del Sistema Universitario Jesuita (Red Ceape) y a la Red sobre Pobreza y Desigualdad en la Asociación Latinoamericana de Universidades Confiadas a la Compañía de Jesús en América Latina (Ausjal).