The modernization from local contexts: case of the Metropolitan Area of Beijing

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Daniel Ricardo Lemus Delgado


This article contrasts the theoretical proposal of Regional Innovation Systems (RIS) in the case of Beijing’s Municipality. To do so, the elements of the theoretical framework of ris and the way they are seen in Beijing are discussed. Thus, it is analyzed the history of the city, the process of linking to international markets, infrastructure, human resources training, and scientific and technological activities. This article concludes that the historical preconditions of the city to become an innovative pole have been driven vigorously from the Central Government in order to consolidate in China an endogenous innovation system, using the trademark of Beijing, an identity derived from a long-term historical process.


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How to Cite
Lemus Delgado, D. R. (2013). The modernization from local contexts: case of the Metropolitan Area of Beijing. Entreciencias: Diálogos En La Sociedad Del Conocimiento, 1(1), 45–60.

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Author Biography

Daniel Ricardo Lemus Delgado, Tecnológico de Monterrey, campus Guadalajara

Doctor Doctor en Relaciones Internacionales Transpacíficas. Profesor-investigador del Centro Asia Pacífico. Líneas de investigación: innovación y políticas públicas, cooperación internacional para el desarrollo y constructivismo como enfoque teórico, líneas de acción enfocadas al caso de China.