Focus and Scope

Entreciencias is a scientific, multidisciplinary, bilingual journal, open access, edited and disseminated by the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM in its Spanish acronym) through the National School of Higher Studies, Leon.  Since January of 2020 it is a continuous publication.

It publishes original scientific articles resulting from empirical research, theoretical or methodological reflections, or critical reviews. Its goal is to publish original, high-quality contributions that help support the progress of knowledge in the area in question or that contribute to the solution of important current issues.

Scientific articles and critical reviews in Spanish or English are welcome.

The journal contains the following sections:

  1. Health, Biological and Chemical Sciences.
  2. Exact and Engineering Sciences.
  3. Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts.
  4. Critical Reviews.

Peer Review Process


All articles undergo the following approval process:



1) The first reading by the Editors of the journal is conducted to corroborate whether the submission corresponds to the scientific profile of the journal. Compliance with the requirements under the “Guidelines for authors” section is checked, and that the required documents have been attached (editable files, letter of originality and exclusivity, and author sheet).

2) If the contribution meets the aforementioned criteria, it undergoes a plagiarism check through the Ithenticate software. The journal does not accept plagiarized, auto-plagiarized, or redundant articles. Entreciencias follows the recommendations from COPE (Committee On Publication Ethics). 

If the article is approved in this stage, it goes on to peer-review.



3) Referred for “double blind” peer assessment (omitting the names of both authors and reviewers). The peers assigned are specialists on the subject in question.

4) The results of the review process may be as follows:

  1. Thoroughly recommended for publication.
  2. To be published following the recommended corrections.
  3. Not to be published.

In the case of option b, the author or authors will have 3 weeks to make the corrections requested, and, having completed these, will submit the amended version and a letter indicating the changes made in order to comply with the reviewers’ recommendations.

5) The opinions issued by the reviewers must coincide with the final decision. If this is not the case, the article will be sent to a third party in order to see whether it should advance to the next stage.



6) Once the final version and the requested letter are received, it will undergo further review in order to confirm that it complies with the reviewers’ requests. The results of this final review will be communicated to the author or authors and, if positive, they will be requested to submit the Letter of Waiver. The final decision will not be open to appeal.

The maximum period for the issue of a decision will be three months from the date of issue of the approval referred to in subsection 2. However, it can vary depending on the availability of the evaluators.

Critical reviews will be analyzed and chosen by the editors. These must be substantiated and explicitly state how the work in question contributes to the disciplinary field to which it belongs, as well as the areas of opportunity it opens to advance knowledge.

Receipt of any work does not imply any commitment by the journal to its publication.

Authors who submit their work thereby undertake to refrain from submitting them simultaneously to any other publication; therefore, the Letter of Exclusivity and Originality  should be sent with their contribution.


Open Access Policy

According to the Copyright regulations, Entreciencias: Dialogues in the Knowledge Society recognizes and respects the moral rights of authors, as well as ownership  rights, which are transferred on a non-exclusive basis to the journal for dissemination in open access and preservation. Therefore, authors publishing in this journal agree to the following conditions:

Entreciencias: Diálogos en la Sociedad del Conocimiento recognizes and respects the moral rights of authors as well as ownership rights transferred in non-exclusivity to the journal for its open access dissemination and its preservation. Hence, authors who publish in this journal accept the following conditions:

  • Entreciencias: Diálogos en la Sociedad del Conocimiento from Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México is distributed under a Licencia Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivar 4.0 Internacional, which allows the information and metadata to be used without commercial ends as long as proper citation is utilized.
  • Authors will have the right to non-exclusively distribute the contribution made to Entreciencias: Diálogos en la Sociedad del Conocimiento. That is, they will be able to include it in an institutional repository or disseminate it in other digital or printed media as long as it is explicitly stated that it was first published in Entreciencias: Diálogos en la Sociedad del Conocimiento. The following information must additionally be included: author, year, volume, page numbers, electronic paging, and DOI.

  • Authors, whose publications have been accepted, will have to send the Letter of Copyright Transfer in the corresponding format, filled out and signed by the author or authors.

Entreciencias: Diálogos en la Sociedad del Conocimiento does not impose any charges on authors for the submission and processing of accepted articles for publication.

Code of Ethics

The Editorial Committee of Entreciencias is extremely strict with regard to plagiarism and follows the recommendations by COPE (Committee On Publication Ethics).

Plagiarism is defined as copying the contribution of another author or also where the author in question has been published and the pertinent citation has not been made. In addition, redundance which refers to the use of similar information (literature review, hypothesis, data reuse, etc.) will not be accepted.

In either of these cases, the journal will cancel the publication of the article, even if has been accepted, if, during the editing process the plagiarism or redundancy in question is identified. In order to guarantee this process, the journal employs iThenticate software from the first stage up to the layout.

Indexed at

Funding Support

Acknowledgment to Conacyt, project 297130 "Actions to improve the visibility and international academic positioning of Entreciencias".

Journal History

In November 2012, Ph D. Javier de la Fuente Hernández and Ph D. Adriana Martínez Martínez embarked on an editorial challenge: the launch of a scientific journal that captured the essence of ENES León: multidisciplinarity. Thus, Entreciencias: Diálogos en la Sociedad del Conocimiento was born, with a vision to become a reference in the scientific world, supporting the dissemination of articles contributing to the advancement of knowledge.

The first issue, initially published biannually on June 1, 2013, made us realize that this frequency wouldn't allow us the presence we sought. From the second issue, released on December 1 of the same year, we transitioned to a quarterly publication. Through editor training courses, we learned that a digital publication should not be managed as if it were printed. The advantage of digitization is the possibility of quick publication in an attractive format with greater coverage. Thus, on January 1, 2020, the journal adopted continuous publication.

Some actions supporting our editorial performance include: adopting DOI and Creative Commons license in 2016, transitioning to the Open Journal System in October 2017, joining the DORA initiative in November 2018, and using iThenticate software to detect plagiarism or redundancy in October 2019. We have also focused on promoting articles through our social media channels.

The inclusion of journals in indexes and databases is crucial for increased visibility. In February 2014, Entreciencias was accepted in Latindex Catalog; in 2016, in Redalyc, adopting the JATS XML markup system. The same year, we joined Revistas UNAM. In 2017, we joined DOAJ and REDIB, and in August of that year, we entered the CONACYT System of Classification of Mexican Journals in Science and Technology, in the Consolidation category. In July 2018, after a second evaluation, the journal was promoted to International Competence.

This advancement allowed us to participate in the call 'Concursable Fund for the National and International Positioning of Science and Technology Journals edited in Mexico' and secure funding for the project 'Actions to improve the visibility and international academic positioning of Entreciencias.' In December 2018, we joined Biblat, and in 2020, Mirabel, MIAR, Google Scholar, and SciELO Citation Index. In 2022, we indexed in Dialnet and HAPI.

Here are some significant milestones in the history of the journal: