Camilla Stivers and the necessary dialogue between Public Administration and Feminism

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Alicia Monserrath Islas Gurrola


The article departs from the premise of Public Administration as a field of study and institutional action, the structures and central components of which have been designed without equal inclusion between women and men. As such, it aims to disseminate ideas about the dialogue between public administration and feminism, through the contributions of Camilla Stivers, a feminist icon in public administration.


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How to Cite
Islas Gurrola, A. M. (2024). Camilla Stivers and the necessary dialogue between Public Administration and Feminism. Encrucijada, an Electronic Journal of the Center for Studies in Public Administration, (46), 73–88.

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Author Biography

Alicia Monserrath Islas Gurrola, Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales-UNAM

Doctoral candidate in Political and Social Sciences (orientation in Public Administration)
from UNAM. Professor attached to the Center for Studies in Public Administration of the FCPyS,