Prospects of representation for women. A substantive representation analysis in the XLIV Legislature of the Mexican Congress

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Lic. Ana Karen Cortes Hernández


Gender quotas were a policy that permitted the institutionalization of equal representation of women. This article aims to understand if an equal integration of Federal Congress has permitted that female representatives transverse the gender or feminist perspective in their legislative work, therefore achieving a substantive representation of women. In this article, a descriptive representation analysis of the XLIV and XLV Legislature is elaborated, then, a substantive one of the LXIV (in which initiatives are revised, sorted, and analyzed), and finally, an analysis of how these initiatives became laws and policies that promote substantive equality for women.


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How to Cite
Cortes Hernández, A. K. (2024). Prospects of representation for women. A substantive representation analysis in the XLIV Legislature of the Mexican Congress. Encrucijada, an Electronic Journal of the Center for Studies in Public Administration, (46), 89–116.

Citas en Dimensions Service

Author Biography

Lic. Ana Karen Cortes Hernández, Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales-UNAM

Graduate with honors in Political and Social Sciences (orientation in Political Science) from UNAM. Subject teacher assigned to the Center for Public Administration Studies of the FCPyS and the Center for Political Studies, UNAM