Violence against women and girls. Forced Disappearance and the Alba Protocol in Mexico
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Women and girls’ forced disappearance in Mexico has increased considerably during the last decade. Unfortunately, Mexico remains as a country where violence against women is not only normalized but tolerated and not as sanctioned as needed. In this sense, the Mexican State and the current government have been ineffective in preventing, addressing, and eradicating this practice. This article shows and analyzes the most relevant data on violence against women in our country, as well as disappearances of women and girls and the design of the Alba Protocol, a legal-institutional mechanism and instrument designed with the purpose of finding women and missing girls.
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Citas en Dimensions Service
Encrucijada, Revista Electrónica del Centro de Estudios en Administración Pública by Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
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