Menstrual poverty in the public administration

Main Article Content

Lic. Diana Fabiola Sandoval Ruiz


This article aims to make a feminist contribution to Public Administration, as this discipline needs to foster and embrace a social and humanistic perspective on feminist issues. Public Administration has traditionally remained focused on core topics and characteristics, reverting to a bureaucratic center that discusses national-level issues such as democracy, transparency, and corruption, often neglecting the feminist social aspect. It should serve as a genuine facilitator of women's issues, representing a true repository of problems and needs of both female and male citizens. The way the agenda on menstrual poverty was approached underscores a significant need for a restructuring of Public Administration. It must adopt a gender perspective and reconsider its structure to broaden its outlook to encompass women.


Article Details

How to Cite
Sandoval Ruiz, D. F. (2024). Menstrual poverty in the public administration. Encrucijada, an Electronic Journal of the Center for Studies in Public Administration, (46), 10–28.

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Author Biography

Lic. Diana Fabiola Sandoval Ruiz, Faculty of Political and Social Sciences of the National Autonomous University of Mexico

I studied Political Science and Public Administration, academia and criticism of my
private and public environment made me reflect on my menstruation and how it impacts
my surroundings. Feminist. For the resignification of women from the private to the public.