Review of the book Trends in public policy analysis in Mexico, Volume I and II

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Angélica Rosas Huerta


Currently, the analysis of public policies is assumed to be an essential exercise to improve decision-making and the set of processes related to State action. The type and rigor of the analysis and its findings depends, among other aspects, on the approach and methodology to be used. Currently, there are different theoretical-methodological visions on how to understand, study, analyze and put public policy into practice that go beyond the sequential model. Proposals that suggest new ways to address the complexity of public action. Precisely the works titled “Trends in public policy analysis in Mexico. Towards the methodological and institutional strengthening of the policy cycle” and “Trends in public policy analysis in Mexico. Foundations and scope of new approaches: beyond the cycle” and coordinated by Dr. Maximiliano García Guzmán evidence of this.


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How to Cite
Rosas Huerta, A. (2024). Review of the book Trends in public policy analysis in Mexico, Volume I and II. Encrucijada, an Electronic Journal of the Center for Studies in Public Administration, (46), 117–124.

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Author Biography

Angélica Rosas Huerta, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Xochimilco

She has a doctorate in Social Sciences with a specialty in Society and Territory from
he Metropolitan Autonomous University, Xochimilco unit. She is currently a
professor-researcher at the Department of Politics and Culture of the UAM-Xochimilco
and coordinator of the Master's Degree in Public Policy, she has level I of the National
System of Researchers. His lines of research are public policies, evaluation of public
programs, institutional capacities.