The new expression of social stratification in the 21st century: digital divide and technological discrimination a paradox of the information and knowledge society

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Dr. Massimiliano Solazzi


The object of study of this article is the so-called Digital Divide (DD) and technological discrimination, a new expression of social stratification in the 21st century. An empirical analysis of the problem of inequalities in the Information and Knowledge Society (IKS), as well as a conceptual review of inequalities in the access and use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and their impact on social and technological exclusion, in this sense, DD as a paradox and logical contradiction in the technological and knowledge society. The objective is to investigate the incidence of DD and its relationship with social stratification in Mexico, also as an insurmountable limit for the exercise of the Right of Access to Information (RAI), being that, currently, digital information is considered an input essential to improve the quality of life, promote social management and citizen participation.


The methodological framework used to approach, describe and study the phenomenon in question is based on a quantitative approach as a result of numerical measurements. The research technique used is documentary, focused on official documentary information, to support assertions, positions and arguments, with a strategy of understanding and analysis using different types of documentary sources. A conceptual approach that leads to the study of the phenomenon of technological discrimination, as well as its strict relationship with social stratification, analyzing the causes of DD, its limitation for the exercise of RAI, as well as the current degree of inequality. digital in Mexico, finally, we will study how to deal with DD from public policies.


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How to Cite
Solazzi, M. (2023). The new expression of social stratification in the 21st century: digital divide and technological discrimination a paradox of the information and knowledge society. Encrucijada, Revista Electrónica Del Centro De Estudios En Administración Pública, (45), 45–67.

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Author Biography

Dr. Massimiliano Solazzi, Centro de Estudios Superiores en Ciencias Jurídicas y Criminológicas (CESCIJUC)

- Doctor in Administration and Public Policies (with Postdoctorate in Law) - Master in Public Administration - Graduate in Public Administration - Subject professor and thesis reviewer synod, at the Faculty of Political and Social
Sciences of the UNAM. - In 2018, 2019 and 2020, candidate for the position of Citizen Commissioner of the
CDMX Transparency Institute, public interview in the CDMX Congress: • Interview 2020: • Interview 2019: • Interview 2018: - From 2011 to 2019 public servant at the Institute of Transparency, Access to
Public Information, Protection of Personal Data and Accountability of Mexico City
(INFOCDMX). Knowledge areas: Public Administration, Human Rights, Access to Public Information, Transparency
and Accountability, Open Government, Protection of Personal Data. In-person,
Virtual Training and Thesis Advisor. Information Technology.