The professionalization of public service. Analysis of its relevance at the municipal level in Mexico

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Alan Cervantes Hernández


The purpose of this text is to analyze the relevance of the professionalization of public service in contemporary societies, being a key element for the development of public tasks. Likewise, an investigation is carried out on the importance of professionalization as a means that contributes to the progress of local governments, specifically in the municipal sphere, describing its advantages, obstacles and current situation, with the purpose of emphasizing the imperative of establishing mechanisms that promote the professionalization of municipalities in Mexico.


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How to Cite
Cervantes Hernández, A. (2023). The professionalization of public service. Analysis of its relevance at the municipal level in Mexico. Encrucijada, Revista Electrónica Del Centro De Estudios En Administración Pública, (45), 1–21.

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