Login or Register to make a submission.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The request has not been previously published, nor has it been submitted to another journal (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The file sent is in Microsoft Word format
  • Web addresses have been added for references where possible.
  • The text complies with the bibliographic and style requirements indicated in the guidelines for authors.

Profile of the authors

  1. Profile preferably oriented to social sciences
  2. Must have a globally recognized standardized identifier (ORCID)
  3. Articles cannot be written by more than three authors
  4. A paper by the same author(s) will be published once a year
  5. The registration should not omit the institution of affiliation, lines of research, brief curriculum vitae and ORCIDReviews


The reviews must be original (no translations), correspond to the themes of Encrucijada, Revista Electrónica del Centro de Estudios en Administración Pública. Reviews are not subject to a refereeing process, but will be reviewed to ensure that they comply with the guidelines described.

  1. 5 to 10 pages in length
  2. Margin of 3 centimeters per side
  3. Arial font, number 12
  4. 1.5 line spacing
  5. Spacing between paragraphs: 12 pts. before and 12 pts. after
  6. Justified text alignment
  7. Sources of consultation and critical apparatus modern type (Harvard)
  8. Italics are used instead of underlining (except for URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures and tables are in the right place in the text and not at the end of the text
  9. In the case of graphs and tables, all should be titled, numbered in progressive order, centered and have their font, Harvad type citation, Arial 11 font.


  1. From 20 to 30 pages in length (excluding reference sources). Articles exceeding this limit may be accepted under certain exceptional circumstances, especially if the subject matter requires a more detailed treatment or if the complexity of the content justifies a longer length
  2. Include on the first page an abstract and key words, both in Spanish and English (abstract and key words)
  3. As a research article, the first introductory section should include objective(s) and methodology, and at the author's discretion, research question and hypothesis
  4. Margin of 3 centimeters per side
  5. Arial font, number 12
  6. 1.5 line spacing
  7. Paragraph spacing: 12 pts. before and 12 pts. after
  8. Justified text alignment
  9. Sources of consultation and critical apparatus modern type (Harvard):

    Example 1, printed book.
    In text: (Easton, 2006:48)
    In Sources of Information:
    - Easton, David (2006), Outline for political analysis, Buenos Aires: Amorrortu Editores.

    Example 2, electronic book.
    In text: (Guardian, 2010:76).
    In Sources of Information:
    - Guardian Sandoval, Rodrigo (2010), "Larga marcha del Gobierno Abierto: Teoría, medición y futuro", Mexico: Instituto Nacional de Administración Pública, available at: http://www.inap.mx/portal/images/pdf/book/larga_marcha.pdf. (Accessed on: November 24, 2016).

    Example 3, Article.
    In text: (Sandoval, 2015:207).
    In Sources of Information:
    - Sandoval Almazán, Rodrigo (2015), "Gobierno abierto y transparencia: construyendo un marco conceptual", in Revista Convergencia, number 68, May-August, Mexico: Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México.

    Example 4, Article by two authors.
    In text: (Ramírez and Dassen, 2014:100).
    In Sources of Information:
    - Ramírez Alujas, Álvaro and Nicolás Dassen (2014), Vientos de Cambio. El avance de las políticas de gobierno abierto en América Latina y el Caribe, Inter-American Development Bank.

    Example 5, Book chapter.
    In text: (Cejudo, 2015:107).
    In Sources of Information:
    - Cejudo Montes, Guillermo (2015), "Gobierno Abierto en México ¿etiqueta, principio o práctica" in Pereznieto, Bojórquez José Antonio and Issa Luna Pla (Coords.), Gobierno Abierto y el valor social de la Información Pública, Mexico: Instituto Tabasqueño.

  10. In the case of graphs and tables, all should be titled, numbered in progressive order, centered and have their font, Harvad type citation, Arial 11 font.
  11. Italics should be used instead of underlining (except for URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures and tables should be in the appropriate place in the text and not at the end of the text.

Special Supplement

The special supplement will contain the winning essays of the "Pedro G. Zorrilla Martínez" Public Administration Essay Contest organized by the Centro de Estudios en Administración Pública and will not be submitted to a refereeing process, but will be reviewed for compliance with the following guidelines:

  1. Abstract no longer than 100 words
  2. Maximum five key words
  3. Introduction
  4. Development or main body of the paper
  5. Conclusions
  6. Consultation sources
  7. Length between 12 and 15 pages, not counting those used for reference sources
  8. Margin of 3 centimeters per side
  9. Arial font, number 12
  10. 1.5 line spacing
  11. Spacing between paragraphs 12 pts. in front and 12 pts. in back
  12. Justified text alignment
  13. Sources of consultation and critical apparatus modern type (Harvard), described in the examples for the articles
  14. Strictly necessary notes, in Arial 10 font and single spacing
  15. Tables, graphs and diagrams strictly necessary and proportional to the dimensions of the page
  16. Numbering of the total number of pages in ascending order and consecutively, in the lower right margin of the page
  17. No indentation, fancy text or other elements that alter the specified format